what's new Thursday?

annette R.
on 9/3/08 6:48 pm - ithaca, NY
How did Thursday arrive so quickly?

Start chatting and share your day.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
annette R.
on 9/3/08 7:28 pm - ithaca, NY
I saw my surgeon and he confirmed there are more hernias. Yup - that's plural. These are NOT from WLS but forming at the site of gallbladder surgery way back in 1990. It was an open procedure with a big incison.
This time he plans to insert mesh to hold things in place.

Right this minute there is no rush for surgery but he warned that could change without warning. Kind of a ticking time bomb. Dr. M explained that with a large hernia, the intestines slip in and out. With the smaller hernias things tend to get stuck in there, strangulate and cause life threatening problems if not addressed immediately.

Recovery will take 4-6 weeks and he said this will be much more painful than the last two repairs. In my past experience, when a doctor admits something is going to hur****ch out, it will!!

Now it is a matter of making the decision of "when" to do this, no longer an "IF". Plug your ears because I am going to swear - ****!!!!

My daughters have been urging me to do more core strengthening exercises - so I asked him about that. Nope, he advised against that. (  to them.)

I am to immediately stop doing leg lifts with Matthew and Melanie attached to my shins. Now THAT will be difficult, we all enjoy the game. Grandma better find other ways to amuse them.

So much to think about but not today. My brain needs to rest and Tony is snorting for a belly rub.  Annie is not in the mood to give up her place on my lap.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Aime B.
on 9/3/08 7:52 pm - Baltimore, MD
Morning Annette.
I woke with a killer headache. I hope this coffee eases it. Yesterday was not a good day for me. I had one issue after another.  My work computer was attacked by a virus and the operating system has been damaged. I am hoping they can save all of my work I have done over the years. I came home to a messy house. I was not happy. Norronda has had a friend staying with her. that friend is capable of picking up after herself as is Norronda now. I ended up walking over 4 miles. My feet and legs still hurt. I will have to wear sandals for a few days as I gave myself one huge blister.
I bet none of that has a thing to do with my headache. Yeah right..
Okay, enough gripping.
Have a great day. the weekend is almost here!!!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

Pat R.
on 9/3/08 8:31 pm, edited 9/3/08 8:32 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning all.....good to see you posting Aime, but sorry about your headache...

I woke up to my cell phone ringing at 5:45.....I knew it

was a wrong number so I didn't jump out of bed and run to find my purse in the dining room to answer it.....very few ppl have my cell number...and my son would never

call my cell when my regular phone is right by my bed.

I've now completed two of the OH training sessions to become a leader. Last one is Saturday morning.....I am

excited about getting the support group going....but it's going to take a lot of preparation to find a place to have it, what time, etc....need to put info into newspaper and see

how many responses I get. Any help/advice from other leaders on this board would be appreciated,

It is supposed to cool off here today ..... it's been in the 90's the past few days and the a/c has been humming

away, along with my electric meter!

Have to make an apple cake for Ladies Aid today....I won't be able to sample as it is loaded with butter and sugar....it wasn't my choice of a recipe!

Struggling to get those fat grams down to 30.....gosh I need to really re=think what's in my cupboards I guess.

Had talapia for supper last nite -- really good, high protein

and very little fat....note to self -- eat more fish!

Time to get a shower and run out to Wal Mart for weekly

shopping. Have fun today.

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
annette R.
on 9/3/08 9:13 pm - ithaca, NY
A couple of thoughts about getting your group going. Could you compose a letter, include a contact e-mail, then ask your surgeon and dietician to send it to a few of their bariatric patients and/or have copies made available to their clients??

One of our small newspapers will allow FREE postings of events. Check your area for that option.

A word of caution, never, ever give out your home phone number. I am kept busy just answering mail. The phone would be ringing off the hook.

Our hospital lets us use the conference rooms - free of charge.  It is my responsibility to book the rooms for several months at a time to ensure there is nothing else scheduled.

Select a time to work into your own schedule. You will have to take into consideration normal 9-5 business hours and dinner times so the group members have a chance to get there too.

My two groups meet 6-8PM on Monday nights. The RNY and Lap-band groups alternate nights. If there is a 5th Monday, I try to plan something special to combine the groups.

At each meeting we have a sign in sheet. There is a note that if they want to be includd in any news or updates concerning the group to add their e-mail addresses. I have a couple of e-mail folders with the group addresses. (I stress the importance of confidentiality too) That way I can do a mass mailing to send meeting reminders and meeting notes each week. Setting it up was time consuming and I update it as each new person contacts me or attends a meeting.

You will be an up lifting OH Suopport Group Leader.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 9/3/08 10:19 pm - Alexander, AR
Well **** is right, my friend!!!  Man alive, if it isn't one thing it's another.   I'd get those puppies taken care of soon so it doesn't interfere with the holidays, AND you'll be over and done with it that much sooner.

Aimee....sorry about the headache and the messy house, and the sucky computer stuff. Hope your day goes better.

Pat, Annette had great suggestions, I'd listen to her.  My group was already formed, I just had to go in and do it, a lot easier than starting from scratch.

Floyd....I'd go to Ohio.....if you're happy, Brenda will be too. 

Carla, Happy cutting....

Okay................yesterday we woke up to no power. Thank you Gustav!!!!  Debbie, my Cajun friend, can you redirect the path of the next one to not include AR???  I think we got more rain and damage than the Gulf....more than 8 inches at last measurement.  I don't mind the rain so much, but all my clients think they'll melt if they go out in it and my business is awful.....haven't even made enough to pay my space rent this week, and I usually make that the first day of the week!  Our anniversary is Friday and at this point dinner will be at Taco Bell!!!  Oh well, the pintos and cheese are one of my favorites.

Hope everyone has a good day. You all stay safe out there!



Eileen Briesch
on 9/4/08 7:59 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Annette and everyone:

I'm on here late today. Busy day! Slept blessedly late ... til just before 11. All three cats were curled up next to me ... usually it's just Scooter, but next to Scooter was Nettie and next to her was Diva, and all three had their motors going when I woke up. It was heavenly. You understand, Annette, I know you do. Then, with a flash, Diva was up, then Nettie, leaving me and Scooter for some snuggling. But it's payday and I had to go do my shopping.

Expensive shopping day with not a lot of items bought. My PUR filter broke last week, so I had to buy a new one of those ... it was on sale at Meijer for $5 off, so it only cost $40 instead of $45. Still, it does save me on bottled water. Also needed to buy paper towels (on sale) and other higher price items so by the time I was done, it was up to $86. Walgreens prescriptions this week: $60 (for two ... this was my expensive one $50).  PetsMart: $26 (litter, treats, food ... don't know why I buy treats, they just throw them up ... or at least they did yesterday). Hair salon for shampoo (at least that was on sale 2 for $15). Still haven't gotten gas; checkbook is down to $64 ... wanted to get a new printer; not sure it's in the budget this week ... again! It's on sale too, for $54 (3 in 1 at just about every store). I haven't had a printer since early this year ... well, didn't know it was broken til April.

My cleaning lady stopped by as I was getting ready to leave. She started talking about her youngest daughter, who's 9; she's already 135 pounds. She is like all of us; she has adopted food as her friend. As Patty was talking about Jessie, I thought, boy, she sounds just like me at that age: shy, uncomfortable, teased at school, coming home and hiding food (or coming home to be alone because no one was home and stuffing myself until I was sick). Jessie does this too ... she eats so much and then throws up because she can't hold anymore. She is on the verge of being diabetic. Patty is getting her help with a psychologist; I wish my mom had done that, but you didn't do that back then. And my mom would never have thought about a psychologist ... you didn't air your problems with a stranger (she doesn't like me doing it now). I hope Jessie can stop this now because she is heading on a dangerous path ... and we all know how it is, don't we? Jessie is me at that age. I was fat, and I grew and grew and grew until I was 350 pounds. My mom tried to help me, but she didn't know how, really. I'm glad Patty knows this is deeper than just getting her the right foods and some exercise.

Annette, I hope you get those hernias fixed soon ... when I had my hernia fixed (pre-WLS), they used mesh. In fact, after my WLS, a special mesh was used to prevent hernias ... one of the bariatric docs here invented it.

Had a busy night last night at work with a late review (American Idols tour) and didn't get home til after 1 a.m.). Hopefully, tonight won't be as bad, but the workload is heavy: Detroit mayor finally resigned, so I have some prep work to do tonight to get our day crew ready.

Well, have a good night. Jean, glad to see you back on the board. Pat, you're going to be a great group leader. Judy, hope the apartment comes through for you.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 9/3/08 9:14 pm - Lawrence, IN
Good Morning Annette and all my OFF family,

We had support group last night and there was a guest speaker.   He was a Chiropractor from Sports Chiropractic, the ones that handle the Indianapolis Colts.  I talked with him after it was over and he said not to do the spinal block and to come see him.  They offered a free consultation to everyone in attendance and they would call everyone that filled out their form.  I'm looking forward to their call today so I can see if he can help before the spinal block is scheduled.  His last words to me as he left was "Karma".  The timing of this presentation is unbelievable.  Will keep you updated.

Lately work has become unbearable.  I have the co-worker from Hell.  While I was gone, she got into it with another co-worker, so the atmosphere around here is not good.  I love my job, but don't enjoy being here anymore.

Speaking of that.  As you know, my boss was just transferred to Columbus, Ohio and he had mentioned several times before he left that he wished I would go too.  Yesterday his assistant called and the conversation started "what would it take to get you to Columbus?"  Brenda doesn't want to move back to Ohio, but you never know.

Well, this work isn't do itself, so I better get busy.

Have a great Thursday everyone!


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on 9/3/08 9:56 pm - Bradenton, FL
Good luck with the Chiropractor. I didnt have luck when I went to one for my neck.
Anyway sorry about the coworker. I had one last week that just walked out on her job.
I hate being the assistant manager. It takes a lot of strength out of me.
I love cutting hair though.
I am off work today and just going to chill.
Carl is teaching today YEA!!!!!!
Annette dont take to long to get the hernias repaired. MY prayers are with you.
Well off th see what the fares are doing to go to Denver after the 1st of the year. I need to go and see my Surgeon.
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on 9/3/08 10:23 pm
Hi Annette and all,

Not much new here. Just wanted to stop and say hi.
Been going in early to work to get caught up from being gone on vacation.

Geeze, Annette! Hernias Be Gone!

Take care all....

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

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